End of my Master Thesis!

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Last Wednesday it was an important day and the end of my long journey to become a Telecommunications Engineer at the UPM. The journey ended with my Master Thesis presentation in the Swedish Institute Of Computer Science (SICS) in Kista, Stockholm. It was an important date as I showed the results of what I had been working for the last six months.

In addition, this Master Thesis will allow me to obtain also the M.Sc. of Software Engineering in Distributed Systems from KTH, a Master programme I followed during this last 2 years.

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In this case, my thesis topic centered on achieving Platform as a Service Orchestration for Hadoop, specifically for the new highly available Hadoop architecture been developed in SICS. My goal was to enhance the Dashboard application that allowed the system administrators to monitor the Hadoop cluster in order to launch and configure it. This  might seem easy intially but in the end I had to face numerous problems during this work. Still I managed to design and integrate this functionality and we could see the results during the demo that took place in the presentation.

I must say, that these last six months at SICS it has been a great and marvellous experience involved in this project at SICS. It was an excellent learning experience were I had a lot of freedom and decision when designing my solution. In addition, the environment in the workplace was outstanding and motivated me to do my best with my work.

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After finishing this phase in my life; a new adventure opens upon my feet and it is time to decide where I would go next. For now, I will still be working for a couple of months in the project to improve my work and hopefully make it soon for a release of our platform.

Further these days, I will dedicate a couple of posts regarding the technologies I worked through and also notify when it is possible to access publicly to the contents of my Thesis.

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